Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University Complutense of Madrid (I have one of the ten best records of my PROMOTION). - First Cycle Degree in Medicine from the Autonomous University of Madrid. - A year of study of Psychology at the University of California, Santa Cruz, USA. - I am in the final stage of the completion of my doctoral thesis at the Department of Drawing I, I enjoyed a formation Scholarship Research Staff (April 1998-March 2002) of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Title of the Thesis: Creation plastic and altered states of consciousness. The thesis has been registered and possess sufficient research. - Magstar Art Therapy, Department for Education, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2006. TEACHING EXPERIENCE IN FINE ARTS: - Assistant Professor of Drawing at the Corso Superiore di Disegno (Seminario de Estudios Superiores de Dibujo), Fondazione Antonio Ratti, Como, Italy. Total hours: 432. Guest Teachers: Eric Fischl, Grard Garouste, Karel Appel and Anish Kapoor. (The Corso Superiore di Disegno of the Fondazione Antonio Ratti enjoys great prestige and a high level. Since 1988 providing scholarships to 40 young artists from different countries to work intensely for a month, drawing on the teaching of natural dence of internationally renowned guest artists. Among hese include Georg Baselitz, Arnulf Rainer, Antonio López Garcia, Antonio Saura, Gerhard Richter, Emil Schumacher, Markus Lpertz, Eric Fischl, Karel Appel and Anish Kapoor.) - Professor of sculpture at the Board of Culture of Pozuelo de Alarcon, 11 March to 30 June 2002 (8 hours per week). - Professor of painting at the Board of Culture of Pozuelo de Alarcon, from 1 October 2002 to December 21, 2004 (8 hours per week). - Assistant, Painting Department, Faculty of Fine Arts, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, from 25 January 2005.